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The Promised Neverland Episode 1-2 Review

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

One of the most hype anime season has to be this anime, as I had read its manga counterpart which am a bit behind time as I was busy as explained in an earlier post hence the delays for its manga review but I will try my nest to catch up and post it as soon as I can same goes to all the manga review that am doing. So without any delay let start with the anime review, the series with Emma waking up and wakes everyone in the room they aren't blood related but they all family and this day is like any other days where they eat together and study together. Emma was one of the top three along Norman and Ray. Later, it was shown that Conny one of the children within the house will be going to her foster 'parents' place to live and start her new life there. It was nightfall, Conny was about to be taken away as they bid farewell to her some of the child cried and she promised to write a letter once she had settled in with her new family and that everyone in this house still her family. Conny forgotten to take her Bunny doll, so Emma and Norman had to delivery it to her as Ray was the want tell them that they still can make it in time if they run to her now, which they did. As they tried to look for Conny but she was no where in sight so they look around for her and discovered the truth of all this, they hide in the vehicle when they heard someone was looking for them, they saw the demon's face and was shocked to see what happened to Conny as they placed her into a container fill with liquid and they saw the demon questioning their 'Mum' about the top three as well as asking her if she know what is this doll doing here as Emma drop it by accident. Emma and Norman ran all the way back home and was shocked to learn all of this and Emma said that we all are going to escape form this hell. As for Episode 2, Emma tries to hard to act normal but she was still shocked to learn the truth and was in the mid processes all of this as well as coming up with a plan to escape this place, throughout the episode Norman told Emma to act normal a couple of times as they when to look around and to look items that can help ontheir escape, later one of the child when missing while the other that came back to tell their 'Mama' about this she uses the tracking device to look for her by doing she indirectly tells them that there is no escape no matter how hard you try. Emma and Norman tries to act normal when Mama comes close to them, so Emma and Norman had to put on act in front of her so as to not expose themselves to her.

Episode 1 followed it manga counterpart very closing even in episode 2 but they did omit some part of it if I remember correctly which is still acceptable to me as its not that important because they can always show it at later point as most of it is just Mama's thoughts as she was given the words to find who has been to that place that night. The opening and ending theme songs were good too, the animation for it opening tells us what would happened within this few episodes. Ending is more towards their life before they discovered the truth how they enjoyed it and all. I will try my best to do weekly review on this series if I can as it a little hard for me to the review for both anime and manga without repeating, but then again manga review do contain spoilers to its anime counterpart so I would suggest not read its manga review to avoid spoilers.

Rating: 8/10


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