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Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S1 Episode 10 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 15, 2019

Akemi is concentrating on something, with her arms on the front and palms spread. Muu is standing in front of her, and then begins suddenly moving up from the ground, suprising Mako, who watches from the side. Akemi turns her gaze towards Ruiko, and accidentally lets Muu go, falling to the ground. Akemi says that before the Level Upper, she could barely lift a paper cup. However, she then sees Ruiko not listening to her, as she is preoccupied with her own machinations. Here, she gazes upon her open hands where leaves before her. She has become an esper and she is estatic. As Muu fights Akemi for dropping her, Ruiko continues to gaze on her hands, and sees that even though it is not much against Mikoto or Kuroko's powers, and even though it seems lame to other people, it matters not, for she has become an esper.

Back with Kuroko and Kazari, the latter has finished downloading the Level Upper Kuroko got from Trick. Kazari is incredulous on the fact that one can level, but Kuroko says that it is not the case. Kazari then realizes that if this is used as a way to increase one's power level, then she can become more powerful than Kuroko and she could get back on her in all sorts of ways, says she as an evil smirk draws on her face. Kuroko notifies Kazari that her thoughts are leaking, and tries to force Kazari to listen to the Level Upper herself if she is so eager, to which Kazari says that she was only kidding. Kuroko's phone suddenly rings, forcing Kuroko stop her teasing of Kazari, much to her relief. Kuroko receives reports that students are rampaging again, and tells Kazari to contact Kiyama Harumi as she will handle the students herself.

In the AIM Analytic Research Center, Harumi confirms to Kazari that she has received the file, the Level Upper. Kazari asks if it is possible to raise someone's level through the use of music software, to which Harumi says that it would be difficult, but it is possible with a Testament machine. Kazari asks if such an equipment actually exist... Kazari then thanks Harumi for her replies. Apparently, she received bad news from Harumi, and starts believing that the music software may not be the one that is causing people to gain a higher level, and then she recalls the time Ruiko showed off her music player excitedly. She takes out her phone, and tries to call Ruiko, but receives no answer, as the number is apparently out of service range. Alone in her Judgment branch, Kazari worries for her dear friend.

Meanwhile, Kuroko is forced to deal with several Level Upper users all throughout the day, and is getting exhausted and injured. Back in the branch office, Kuroko gets treated by Kazari for her injuries. Kuroko says that it can't be helped, as the number of Level Upper users are rising. Kazari says that she can't even imagine how far the Level Upper has spread now at this point, though Kuroko says whining says won't get anywhere. Kuroko then says that the have three goals: Prevent the spread of Level Upper, recovery of the comatose users, and arresting the developer of the Level Upper. Kuroko says that they need to find the person that developed and spread it around the internet, and make them tell them what their intentions in creating the Level Upper are. Kazari smiles, and says that she should treat her first. As she bandages Kuroko's petite body, she asks if Kuroko wants Mikoto to bandage her instead. Kuroko says that she doesn't want her Oneesama to see her in her current state, to which Kazari says that nobody want to see it anyway, much to Kuroko's irritation as she begins shaking Kazari. However, Mikoto comes along and asks if there is anything she could do. Hearing her, Kuroko teleports Kazari towards Mikoto to knock her out, and prevent Mikoto from seeing her body. Kuroko tries to greet Mikoto, but she and Kazari are already down on the floor.

After coming to, Mikoto asks if there is any progress in their investigation. Kazari hesitates, but Kuroko fills her in. She says that according to Harumi, there is a special device called Testament that is used for inputting large amounts of digital information to the brain in a short period. However, Kuroko says that it does so through the use of all five senses. Mikoto notes the obvious, saying that the Level Upper is music and only acts on hearing,. Kazari adds that when they searched the comatose user's rooms, they could only find the music. Suddenly, the kettle boils, and it sounds whistles through its egress, and Kazari is forced to take care of it. Mikoto then says, and tells that maybe the music is acting all other senses as well. Kuroko asks what she means, to which Mikoto tells of that time they were eating shaved ice. Kuroko tries to recall, and the both of them realizes that it Synesthesia. Kazari asks what's happening, to which Kuroko fills her in. Synesthesia is a phenomenon where multiple senses are evoked using a single stimulus. Mikoto says that by acting on one sense in a certain way, other senses can also be stimulated. Kazari then asks if they assume that the Level Upper works through the music that acts on all five senses to get the same effect as Testament.

Harumi is then called, and tells Kazari that it is a possibility, and says that they may have overlooked that. Kazari asks her if she could investigate further into that, to which Harumi says that she can, and that she presumes that they'll be granted permission to use Tree Diagram. Kazari becomes excited, as Tree Digram could easily give them the results in no time. Harumi then says that she will for her when they get the results. Kazari then asks if she can come over, as she wants to see Tree Diagram in action, to which Harumi agrees. Kazari then runs off to somewhere.

Meanwhile, back with Ruiko and friends, Akemi is still using her powers, while Muu is doing her best as well. Mako on the other hand is looking on the sidelines. Ruiko does so as well, looking at them nearby. She thinks everyone is amazing, but Ruiko is still anxious, and thinks that she should tell Kazari. As she looks on her phone, she wonders if Kazari would get mad. Suddenly, Ruiko hears a thud. It is Akemi, and she has fallen down for some reason. Muu and Mako stop whatever they are doing and rush towards her. And for Ruiko, she is shocked at what she sees.

Back with Kazari who is heading out to Harumi. She receives a call from Ruiko. She answers, saying that she was worried about her, as she doesn't talk much and she isn't even answering her calls. However, in a voice that has lost all spirit, Ruiko says that Akemi has collapsed suddenly. She says to Kazari that she didn't know what would happen to people who use the Level Upper. She asks a question which no one could answer: Why did it come to this? Sitting alone in her room with the curtains closed, she says that she didn't mean to. Worried, Kazari says that Ruiko should calm down and tell her what had happened from the beginning slowly. Bluntly, Ruiko says that she has the Level Upper, shocking Kazari. Ruiko says that it all happened when she said users were being put into custody, but then she says that she couldn't throw away, and then when she heard that Akemi and the others wanted it, she gave it to them, or more appropriately, she just didn't want to use it on her own. Clasping her mother's good luck charm, Ruiko falls into despair. Kazari then begins running, and asks where Ruiko is right now. Ruiko asks Kazari if she is going to collapse as well, and asks will be able to wake up again. Ruiko tells her feelings to Kazari, saying that she didn't want to be so powerless, but couldn't give up on her hopes as well. Ruiko recalls the time when her mother gave her the charm, which she is now holding with her. She grips it, and calls out for her mother. Kazari continues to run, and then hears Ruiko ask if Level 0s are defective, making Kazari stop at a busy sidewalk. She asks if what is happening to her is retribution for cheating to get power. As her voice begins to break, she regrets to have used something dangerous, and to have dragged people along with her. As tears begin flowing from Ruiko, Kazari shouts with gusto, that it will be all right. She says that if she goes to sleep, then she will surely come to wake right away, this includes Ruiko, Akemi, and everyone who is sleeping. She tells Ruiko to leave it all to her, and with a strong voice, goes on what Ruiko's reaction would be after she tries to wake up, uncaring of the people looking at her. Ruiko hears this, and is then told by Kazari that she is not defective, even if she doesn't have any powers, she is always there to help her. And shouts on her phone that with or without power, Ruiko is Ruiko, because she is her friend. And as she tears up terribly talking to Ruiko, Kazari pleads to Ruiko not to say such sad things. Over the phone, two friends, tear up as they confide their true feelings. Ruiko then laughs, making fun of Kazari being all responsible, making her blush. Kazari says that it is not just her, Mikoto and Kuroko, and lots of other amazing people as well, are going to help her. Ruiko believes her, and thanks Kazari. Wiping the snot from her nose, Kazari is told by Ruiko that she is sorry for causing her trouble, and tells her, that she will leave the rest to her.

With that, the call ends, and Kazari runs towards for Ruiko at great speed. She reaches Ruiko's dormitory building, opens the door to her room, and in the darkness, sees that Ruiko has already fallen, still with her mother's charm.

Ruiko is later put into a certain hospital, Ruiko sleeps soundly, and is put under observation, her stats all seem normal. Mikoto and Kuroko are there outside of her room, and discuss on how Ruiko used the Level Upper as well. Kuroko says that Kazari took the data to Kiyama Harumi so that she can analyze it and save Ruiko. Mikoto seems down, and asks Kuroko to come with her for a moment. Up on the roof of the hospital, Kuroko asks Mikoto what she wanted to talk about. Mikoto asks Kuroko to confirm if Ruiko carried a good luck charm. Kuroko recalls that it was the one that Ruiko always attached to her bag. Mikoto then mentions on how it was given by Ruiko's mother before she came to Academy City. Kuroko asks if Ruiko told her that, to which Mikoto confirms, saying that Ruiko may have a lot of something to talk about. A dark tone falls over Mikoto's voice, and says that despite being a Level 5, she couldn't do anything for Ruiko in the end. Mikoto says that whenever she runs intro troubles in life, she always tried her best to overcome them, and says that her rank as a Level 5 is a result of that. Mikoto says that she didn't think it was anything special, but now sees that there are some people who cannot overcome those hurdles. She recalls on how she told Ruiko straight to her face that Levels did not matter, and says that was insensitive of her to do. Mikoto then asks Kuroko if she can be part of the investigation, as she want to save Ruiko. Kuroko smiles, and says that she understands. As she pats Kuroko on her shoulder, she flinches for some reason, prompting Mikoto to wonder, to which Kuroko to blow it off.

As the two return from their rooftop conversation, a man calls for their attention. It is from a frog-faced doctor, which Mikoto takes note of, much to Kuroko's chagrin. In his office, the doctor shows them the brainwave patterns of the Level Upper victims. He notes on how brainwaves are unique to an individual, and that it is impossible for two people to have similar patterns, however, he states that he has discovered a common brainwave pattern among the Level Upper victims. Kuroko asks what he means, to which he says that forcibly altering the brainwaves would influence the body as well. Mikoto asks if the Level Upper is forcibly tampering with brainwaves and rendering them unconscious, and Kuroko adds a question who would do this and for what. The doctor says that he is a doctor, and tells them that it is their job to find out.

Meanwhile, Kazari is on a bus going to Kiyama Harumi, and recalls memories of her and Ruiko having fun together, and a pained look draws upon her face. She arrives at Harumi's office, and apparently is told of what happened to Ruiko. Kazari blames herself, but Harumi says she shouldn't. Harumi stands up and tells Kazari to take a break as she will get her some coffee. Kazari however, says that they don't have time to relax, however, Harumi consoles her, saying that the results of the analysis yet, and tells her that if she is broken when her friend wakes up, and then would it not be in vain. Harumi says that everything will be all right, and it will turn out well in the end. As Harumi leaves, tears form upon Kazari's eyes, still not over on what happened. However, as if by contrivance, notices a piece of paper sticking out of a drawer with the words "Synesthesia".

Back in the branch office, Mikoto and Kuroko decide to investigate on their own. Mikoto says that if the brainwave pattern is that of a specific pattern, then Kazari can cross-reference it with the people in the databanks. Kuroko however, suddenly realizes that Kazari is not with them, but helps comes in the form of their senpai, Konori Mii. She is then told the whole story by them, and while operating the computer, says that they'll probably be given access to the databanks. Mikoto asks if it is not there, to which Kuroko says that she need not worry, as not only student ability development records are there, but as well as adults who visited the hospital or people who worked there are included as well. Mikoto then asks how using Level Upper could cause their brainwaves to become identical. Kuroko adds a question as well on how the Levels were raised as well. While using the computer, Mii notes on how just using software is not going to give any great perfomance gains, however, it is a different story when one networks them together. Kuroko asks if networked computers have greater performance, to which Mii says that on one particular computer, but using a lot of computers together in parallel increases overall computational performance. Hearing this, Mikoto presumes that someone could have made a brainwave network using the Level Upper. Mii says that is a possibility, to which Mikoto asks on how espers' brains could be connected. Mii then says that the only thing she can think of is the AIM diffusion fields. To back this hypothesis up, she notes on how espers continuously emit AIM, and, continuing with the computer analogy, if connected together... Mikoto says that AIM is however emitted without the users consent, and says that a human's brain is like a computer's OS, so one can't really link them together. Mii says that in computers, their OSs are separate, and even the language they use are different. However, Mii notes on how we can make a network of computers is because of protocols that are standard or common for all computers. Kuroko asks if what she is saying is that a specific person's brainwave pattern is used as a common protocol for all the espers, to which Mii says that may be just a possibility. Mikoto speculates that if one links brains like that, then one can have massive computational power, to which Mii agrees. Mikoto says that if an individual who has weak power were to join a network, their overall processing power would go up. Furthermore, Mikoto notes on how espers with the same powers would link up their cognitive patterns, and would allow them to user their powers more efficiently. Mii then says that most likely, the brain activity of all comatose victims is being utilized in the network. Mii then finally finishes with her search and presses a button. She discovers that there is a 99 match with one in the databanks. As Mii takes a look on who it is, Kuroko and Mikoto are surprised.

Meanwhile, back with Kazari, she discovers something strange, a synesthesia thesis. Harumi enters, and says what Kazari is doing is no good, much to Kazari's surprise, and says that Kazari shouldn't look into other people's research without permission. Back in the office, Kuroko and Mikoto cannot believe what they are seeing, the 99% brainwave match is that of Kiyama Harumi. The both of them suddenly realizes the danger that Kazari is in, to which Mii asks what about Kazari. While Kuroko tries to call Kazari, Mikoto explains to Mii on how she went to see Harumi not too long ago. Predictably, Kuroko cannot get through to her phone, to which Mii orders Kuroko to contact Anti-Skill to request the capture of Harumi and warn that she may have a hostage. Back with Kazari, she and Harumi are traveling in the latter's car, with Kazari cuffed. Trying to start a conversation, Harumi asks what those flowers on her head are for, and asks if it is related to her power. Kazari says that she doesn't wish to answer to that, but then asks Harumi what the Level Upper is, why she is doing this, and what is going to happen to all the unconscious victims. Harumi calls her out asking too many questions, and not even answering hers. Kazari then asks what she intended with raising people's powers and giving them false hope, and then recalls Ruiko. Harumi smiles, and says that she has no interest in other people's powers, and says that her goal is far greater.

Back in the office, Mikoto says she is getting involved too. Mii says that she doesn't want civilians involved, but having the help of a Level 5 would be of use. Mikoto nods and proceeds to leave, but is called out by Kuroko, who rushes towards her. Kuroko says that Kazari is also a member of Judgment, and says that she can do something, despite not knowing what it is that she could do. Kuroko however, says that Harumi, a mere lab researcher, could not possibly stand up against Anti-Skill. Mikoto counters by saying that Harumi holds the lives of thousands of comatose espers in her hands, and also says that she has a bad feeling about the situation. Kuroko then says that is all the more reason to leave it Judgment such as her, but before she could finish her sentence, Mikoto touches her shoulder, flinching with a single touch. Mikoto asks what Kuroko could do with her body in its current shape, to which Kuroko asks how she noticed. Mikoto says that she knows since she is her junior, and tells her that at times like these, she should rely more on her Oneesama. Blushing and with tears on her eyes, Kuroko falls silent before the sight of her Oneesama.

Back with Harumi, her cars enter a tunnel. Both are silent, with Kazari looking serious, and Harumi smiling confidently. The climax is about to unfold.

Rating: 9/10


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