Mitsuko finds herself attacked by a Skill-Out gang called the Big Spiders, but is saved by a long-haired man with a spider tattoo, the description of whom Konori seems to recognize. This incident is shown to be the latest in a string of indiscriminate attacks on espers by the Big Spiders, led by one calling himself Wataru Kurozuma. Whilst investigating the gang's home turf in Academy City's 10th District, Mikoto and Kuroko come across the long-haired man who becomes their guide to the district. Mikoto and Kuroko head to the Big Spiders' hideout, but run into trouble when the gang use a sound system device called Capacity Down, which disrupts their esper abilities. The device is disabled by the long-haired man from before, who recognizes Big Spider's leader as Hebitani Tsuguo and claims himself to be the real Kurozuma. After Kurozuma singlehandedly defeats the gang, he is approached by Konori, who is revealed to be an old acquaintance of his.

Rating: 8/10