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Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S2 Episode 23 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 16, 2019

Aritomi remembers as his acceptance speech during the Academic Assembly Awards Ceremony was applauded by the few people who attended his speech. He realizes that his idea that all people have equal chances of success was not true at all, and only the littlest of efforts by espers are recognized as opposed to the greatest achievements he, as part of the scientific community of Acadmy City, has been trying to push on. Aritomi decides that the only way to gain the attention he has been longing for is to create an esper entirely from scratch, eliminating the factor of chance in the production of powerful espers for Academy City... thus, the birth of the Chemicaloid Project.

Unfortunately, the start of the project was nothing but smooth — even the "darkness" of Academy City had refused to aid them in their research, and even the renowned scientist Kihara Gensei calls their work as a mere "summer break project". Aritomi felt pushed to bring results, and he eventually did, with the successful production of their prototype, "Febrie".

Mikoto, despite her paralysis, seeks to know more about Aritomi's plans, but he refuses to divulge any more information aside. Eventually, Mikoto succumbs to the drug injected into her by Shinobu and passes out.

Several minutes later, Mikoto wakes up in a room elsewhere, with only Shinobu to accompany her. Upon finding out that it is already 3:40 PM, Mikoto tries to get up, only for Shinobu to remind her that the drug she administered into Mikoto would render her unable to move for two more hours.

Soon, Shinobu explains to Mikoto that she ended up in STUDY's side because she was sold by ITEM to STUDY shortly after her capture, and her works eventually became a platform of sorts for the Chemicaloid Project to push through. For this reason, she is also trying to thwart STUDY from causing her to commit another mistake like during the Sisters Project. Unfortunately, Aritomi had already destroyed the recipe for the antidote she needs to cure Febrie's "twin", Janie, and bring her out of STUDY's hands.

Desperation is slowly consuming Shinobu, but she was surprised upon hearing Mikoto's words about her "little sisters" wanting to thank her (particularly for introducing them to the taste of milk tea). Soon, Mikoto slowly picks herself up using her electricity to control the muscles in her body, a feat that shocks Shinobu, and reassures Shinobu that there will always be someone to help her, and she need not push on alone to resolve something.

Shortly after, alarms blare outside, and Mikoto anticipates the presence of her friends as she had already made her presence known through the nanomachines she asked the frog-faced doctor to inject into her bloodstream beforehand. Through this information, Uiharu was able to pinpoint Mikoto's location while Ruiko goes on scouting and Kuroko marches forward on the offensive.

Mikoto decides to head out to help her friends in saving Febrie, and Shinobu finally asks Mikoto to help her as well in her mission, to which Mikoto promptly affirms.

Kuroko eventually locates Mikoto, who is completely covered with her electricity to faciliate in her movement and the two make their quick escape. Meanwhile, Shinobu chooses to stay with STUDY to avoid incurring the wrath of other underground organizations and to make certain that Janie is safe. For now, all that Shinobu wanted to do is to look for a way to get the whereabouts of Janie and the recipe needed for the neutralizer.

In Branch 177 of Judgment, Mikoto tells Kuroko, Ruiko and Uiharu about Aritomi's attack on Academy City on the following day, using the ability of Febrie's sister Janie, Diffusion Ghost, which was also used control the mechanical units that had attacked Mikoto days ago. The problem lies with the possibility that a large-scale terrorist attack may take place, as Diffusion Ghost can also give out primitive commands to objects it control.

Ruiko thinks that they should locate Janie immediately to thwart the attack, but no one, even their insider Shinobu, knows where Janie is kept, so they are forced to rely on Febrie's "link" with Janie to track down Janie. However, this also renders them unable to do anything until it actually happens. Mii then suggests looking for the possible locations of the Powered Suits that would be used for the attack. As Uiharu toils on the computer once again, Kuroko decides to see if the Anti-Skill can now help out this time. Unfortunately, not only was Yomikawa Aiho suspended from her Anti-Skill duties, she also tells the girls that most of the equipment used by Anti-Skill is now provided by STUDY Corporation itself, rendering Anti-Skill unable to do anything that concerns the company.

Shortly, Uiharu manages to find a lead. To the shock of the girls, she found a report about a large number of Powered Suits being delivered into the Academic Assembly, just as Kongou Mitsuko and her posse make their way into the Judgment office. In unison, Mitsuko and Uiharu report an estimate of over 20,000 Powered Suits present in the Academic Assembly venues.

The sheer feeling of helplessness amidst the situation has brought Mikoto to the point of concern for her friends, who may be endangered by this massive threat ahead of them. But, her friends refuse to back down for the sake of Janie and Febrie. Soon, Mikoto is reminded about what that "spiky-haired boy" had told her in the midst of her moments of despair, and her face lights up right after. As Febrie wakes up from her sound sleep, Mikoto tells her that she and her friends will help look for Janie.

That night, Mii calls her friend Aomi about "something important she should do", while Mitsuko seems to have received something from her father, which in turn came from a mysterious man. Elsewhere, at the Uiharu Residence, Febrie, Uiharu and Ruiko prepare some rice balls for the battle ahead.

In the Tokiwadai Dormitory, Mikoto decides to give up on alibis and abandons Kuroko's plan to cover up their absence, much to the latter's disappointment. Then, Kuroko, a girl who has always been skeptic of good luck charms, hands out a four-leaf clover to Mikoto, enclosed in a silk handkerchief.

Before the night ends, Mikoto would make a call to a familiar band of lookalikes scattered throughout Academy City.

Ten minutes before sunrise.

STUDY anticipates the start of a revolution. All systems are go, and all it needs for everything to begin is a press of a button and a majority vote. Meanwhile, Mikoto prepares herself as well alongside Febrie, who now wears the clothes she received from Mitsuko.

Shortly, thousands of Powered Suits are mobilized across the four venues of the Academic Assembly. There, Uiharu, Ruiko, Mii, Kuroko, Mitsuko, Kinuho and Maaya prepare their stand as Mikoto and Febrie head straight to Janie's whereabouts!

Rating: 8/10


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