Touma, Stiyl and Kaori confront John's Pen Mode Index, ready to attack the most threatening being present, Touma. Suddenly, she grows brightly and twitches uncontrollably before firing a beam of energy towards Touma, however, he blocks it with his right hand. Meanwhile, Stiyl and Kaori are confounded on how Index is able to perform magic; Touma whilst blocking Index's beam, answers their queries suitably. Touma tells them that the church lied to them; Index unable to use magic, and Index dying if her memories were not erased once a year was a lie as well. Touma proceeds to tell them how the church wouldn't let members from the lower echelons of the church, know the entire truth behind Index.

Index, having seen that St. George's Sanctuary is ineffective against Touma, uses a much more powerful beam of energy on Touma. Because of the immense power of her attack, Touma's right hand nearly succumbs to its power. However, Stiyl comes in and states his magic name, applying a large amount of runic cards on the walls of Komoe's house. He supports Touma, and tells him that even if Index's memories were erased, as long as she lived it was good enough for him, and made it a vow to protect her life no matter what. Touma however, states that his way of thinking his wrong and should have not compromised. He asks Stiyl if he wants to save Index, and tells them that this was their chance to start anew, where they don't need to erase her memories, where they don't need to act like her enemies, where everyone is happy and had achieved the best possible ending. While saying this, his hand begins to yield against the power of Index's attack; however, he is saved by Kaori who has invoked her magic name. She uses her sword and wire technique to trip Index - who is still firing her beam, which points the beam skyward, destroying Komoe's roof and a satellite in orbit.
Glowing feathers slowly float down after the attack. According to Kaori the effect is called Dragon's Breath, and one is doomed when one comes into contact with it. During the commotion Index returns to attack Touma and is caught unprepared, however, he saved by Stiyl's summoning of Innocentius to protect him as so can Touma can charge towards Index. Whilst charging towards Index, she successfully reverse-engineers Innocentius, and manages to upgrade St. George's Sanctuary against it. However, Touma is able to reach Index in time and successfully destroys the spell. As such, St. George's Sanctuary is dispelled and Index reverts to normal. Touma holds Index in his arms, glad that she is back to normal and her ordeal is over; however, he does not notice that the feathers of Dragon's Breath were still floating down all around him. In an instant, a feather hits Touma's head and collapses on Index.

The next day Index is holding a letter given to her by a frog-faced doctor in a certain hospital. The doctor tells Index that the letter that she is holding is from Kaori and Stiyl, which was intended for Touma. Unperturbed by this, she reads it anyway. The letter reveals that the church ordered them to retrieve Index, but after Stiyl and Kaori questioned them of the truth about the church lying to them, they suddenly changed their minds and allowed the continuation of the status quo. The letter states that even though Index is allowed to stay with Touma, that doesn't mean they will not come back to retrieve her, and will return as they have gathered proper equipment for the task. The letter shortly explodes into bits after being read by Index.
Later, Index becomes depressed over Touma's current situation. The doctor tells her that it would be easier if she were to visit Touma already, but warns her that she maybe shocked when she sees him. The doctor states that Touma will not remember Index, as he had his memories destroyed; the memories are not simply lost but are gone forever.
Index however, still goes to Touma's room. After seeing his face, she is elated that she is well and runs towards him, however, he asks Index on who she is, shocking her. Touma asks Index if she is alright after sensing her pain, but Index says she is just fine. Touma then asks if they are familiar with each other by any chance, which prompts Index to ask a series of questions. She asks Touma if he remembers where they first met, how he destroyed her Walking Church with his right hand, how he fought magicians for her, and in tears, she asks him if he remembered that she loved him; however it was painfully obvious to Index that he could not remember her.
However, Touma surprises Index by saying that it was all a ruse by his. He tells her that since he got his brain cells destroyed by magic, he need only to touch his head with his right hand - now called Imagine Breaker, to negate the effect and return his memories. This severely infuriates Index, and punishes him by biting several times on his person. She then leaves afterwards. However, Touma reveals to the doctor after he questions his actions, that he truly has no recollection of her and that his power was unable to retain any of his memories, he tells the doctor the reason why he lied to Index: Touma just didn't want her to cry. Touma goes on to state that even though his memories are gone, they are still residing within his heart.
Two weeks have passed since the destruction of the Tree Diagram, in a windowless building, Stiyl Magnus visits a person floating upside-down in a tube filled with liquid. Stiyl calls him, Aleister, and is told by him the reason why Stiyl was recalled back to Academy City. Their conversation is connected to a term called Deep Blood, with the situation surrounding it becoming complicated. Aleister tells Stiyl that the person who carries Deep Blood is currently imprisoned, and that magicians have become involved with the situation, even though they are normally allowed into the city. To protect the balance between the magic and the science side, Aleister tells Stiyl that the city will not become involved with the situation with Deep Blood, and suggests to him to use the natural enemy of magicians, of which Aleister has in his possession, Imagine Breaker, Kamijou Touma. Aleister tells Stiyl that it would be alright as Touma is categorized as a Level 0, and possesses no valuable information about the city, and is also unable to recreate the ways of the magic side as well, meaning that there would be no leakage of information between the two sides if one uses Touma.

Before leaving, Stiyl asks if Deep Blood truly exist, and if it does it would imply that the organism the ability can kill should also exist, the organisms known as vampires. Aleister goes on to comment that if Deep Blood proves the existence of vampires, then whose existence will the Imagine Breaker prove?
Rating: 8.5/10