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Toaru no Majutsu no Index S1 Episode 14 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 14, 2019

Touma survives the dust explosion caused by Accelerator, who is uninjured and comments on how he almost killed himself as the oxygen was used in the dust explosion he caused. Accelerator comments on how Touma should rejoice as he is the first one to have pushed Accelerator into a near death situation. Touma does not respond, and only pulls himself up to confront Accelerator once again. Accelerator gloats on how no matter what Touma does, as he can control any vector he comes in contact with, and with him touching Touma he can blow up all his veins and organs. He keeps on gloating, saying that Touma still being able stand and breathe before him is Accelerator is a somewhat a miracle, and order Touma stay down already. Accelerator begins to charge towards Touma, extending his right arm trying to touch him. With nothing left to do, Touma clenches his fist and attacks Accelerator with a punch to his jaw. The force of Touma's punch hurls Accelerator a few feet away from him.

Touma is surprised himself at what happened, and realizes that Imagine Breaker works against Accelerator. Meanwhile, Accelerator struggles to get up from Touma's punch, and says that Touma made his blood jump for joy. However, it was simply a facade by Accelerator as he charges towards Touma again in an enraged state. Touma successfully dodges his advances, and punches him in the face. Touma gives several quick punches to Accelerator's face, with Accelerator being unable to defend. Touma gives a powerful punch to Accelerator, flinging him a few feet away from him. Touma tries to connect another punch; however, Accelerator uses his vector powers to leap in a considerable height and retreat. Accelerator is obviously shaken by Touma's punches and tries to regain his balance, and is unable to comprehend what just happened. Touma walks into Accelerator's pondering of his situation, and mocks him for his status of being unbeatable. Touma says that since Accelerator deflects all attacks and defeats his opponents in one attack, he would never know how to street fight. Enraged by Touma's insults, Accelerator uses his vector powers to control the metal on the railways. They begin to distort and bend, carrying Touma into the air who was standing on the metal. Despite this, Touma uses the metal propelling him into to the air to deliver a punch to Accelerator, sending him in to a stop sign. Touma comes closer towards him and asks him why those people (Mikoto clones) who try to live their lives the best they can end up being prey to him. Accelerator who is sitting on the ground laughs at what Touma said; he stands up and says that what Touma just said about those people trying to live their lives is all nonsense.

Accelerator raises his arms and began spouting strange clicking and screeching noises from his mouth. The sounds lead to his laughter, and suddenly gusts of wind fill the area they are on, though most notably streams of blue energy begins to form above Accelerator. Swirling and whirling above him, within his control. Accelerator says "kill him", and the blue energy compresses into a small sphere, and then suddenly it releases several streams of energy towards Touma, who is overwhelmed by its power and is blown away. Accelerator laughs at him, and begins to form another ball of energy. He tells Touma that he is all talk and is truly powerless against him, and tells him that he will finish him off with one more hit.

Accelerator raises his arms high, with his hands below the swirling streams of energy, saying that it is air compressed. Accelerator asks an unconscious Touma where all his bravery, and asks him to play along with him. However, someone shouts his name, Accelerator. Mikoto has arrived and is ready to fire her railgun towards him. Touma however, asks Mikoto to not do anything. Mikoto smiles and apologizes to Touma, saying how Touma wished for nothing to be lost, and for everyone to be smiling, but that is impossible, Mikoto continues by saying that she is about to do is selfish; however, she just wants Touma to live on. Mikoto prepares to fire her signature attack; however, she realizes that something is amiss. Mikoto notices that the ball Accelerator is forming is plasma, formed by controlling the direction of air and compressing them into one spot.

The sphere of plasma is getting larger and larger by the second, and Mikoto notes that her power is unable to do anything. Suddenly, Mikoto notices the wind, and describes that Accelerator is calculating the flow of wind to control the plasma. Mikoto suddenly hears the mew of a certain cat, and sees that the cat is with an unconscious Misaka 10032, and goes to her side. She asks Misaka 10032, to wake up because she needs Misaka 10032 to do something for her, as she is the only who can do it, to protect Touma's dream. Misaka 10032 is awakened by Mikoto's cries and stands up, and says that she does not understand the meaning of Mikoto's words; however, Misaka 10032 says that her words resonate strongly within her.

In the city, the wind turbines are moving on their own, producing powerful gusts of wind. Meanwhile, Accelerator is losing his control over the ball of plasma, and asks himself if he had miscalculated the flow of the winds. Back in the city, several sparks are coming out of the nacelle of the wind turbine. Accelerator realizes that there shouldn't be any miscalculations in his part, and discovers that the wind is being produced artificially, by directing electric power on the motor of the wind turbines to make spin; Accelerator turns around and sees Misaka 10032, referring to her as the one who tampered with the wind turbines. In the city, several Misaka clones are directing their electric power unto the motor of the wind turbines empowering them to turn. Accelerator is enraged by this, and threatens to kill Misaka 10032; however, Mikoto arrives to protect her. Filled with contempt at this sight, Accelerator says that Mikoto is too weak for him, even though they are both level 5s.

Suddenly, Touma's voice calls out to Accelerator, telling him to not touch them, as he slowly walks towards Accelerator. Though surprised at first, Accelerator becomes excited, saying that Touma is truly the best and charges towards him. He runs towards Touma, extending his hands. They both reach the point where they could touch each other, Accelerator uses his hand to try and touch Touma, however, he ducks, and forcing Accelerator to use his other hand to try and touch, however, Touma blocks his other hand as well using his Imagine Breaker. Accelerator is left with an opening, unable to defend himself fast enough; Touma prepares his stance and clenches his fist. Jumping towards Accelerator, he gives one final punch to Accelerator's face, which sends him rolling a few feet away from Touma, and before the Mikoto and Misaka 10032.

Touma faints shortly afterwards with a smile on his face.

Touma is seen sleeping in a familiar ward; however, he soon becomes uneasy and wakes up. He looks to see that Misaka 10032's figure looms before him, holding his hand which is resting upon her breasts. Surprised by this, he asks himself why such a happy event is occuring to him as he does not remember raising any flags for this moment at all. Misaka 10032 informs Touma that he was the one that grabbed her, though she said that she was the one who moved his hand towards her breast, as so she can measure his heartbeat and brainwaves using the electric flow in his body; much to Touma's dismay since he cannot feel that he is touching them due to the anesthesia applied on him. Touma says in relief that they somehow both made out of the situation alive. Though Misaka 10032 states that she cannot return to the world as of yet, even though the experiment with Accelerator has been suspended, as her body needs readjustment as she is a clone that was accelerated to growth. She says goodbye to Touma, carrying with the black cat she brought into the ward with her. Before leaving, Touma asks Misaka 10032 if the readjustments would cure her, to which she replies that he does need to worry as she will see him again soon. She leaves shortly thereafter.

The next day, Touma receives an inspection from the frog-faced doctor, saying there is nothing serious with his condition. He then says how Touma seem to have affection to the particular room that he is in, to which Touma half-heartedly laughs-off. The doctor says that Touma should rest for the time being before leaving. Touma then goes to sleep; however, he is soon awoken by the arrival of Mikoto who came to visit him, bringing with her a gift from him. She tells him that the cookies she just bought was the most expensive she can find in a basement of a department store. Touma says that homemade cookies are the best, which irritates Mikoto as she believes Touma wants her to be a character of some sort – which specifically is character who is clumsy, but tries her best to make cookies even though they have become crumbs – forcing him to apologize to her quickly afterwards. Touma then remembers that Misaka 10032 came to visit him a while ago, and explains her current condition to Mikoto. Touma's explanation to Mikoto is off-screen, and Mikoto tries to quickly leave after hearing it. Before leaving, Touma says that if Mikoto hadn't given away her DNA map, then the sisters would've never been born. He continues on by saying, that even though the experiment was wrong, their birth is something she should be proud of. Mikoto replies by saying that because of her more than 10,000 of her clones have been killed. Touma replies by saying that the sisters don't hate her because of it, and if they have never been born at all, then they wouldn't be able to experience happiness or sadness. Touma concludes that it is okay for her to smile, as her sisters aren't people who satisfy themselves by forcing their pain on to other people. Mikoto closed her eyesand smiled after hearing this; she says simply says goodbye and leaves afterwards.

Later midday, Touma is all alone in his room, sleeping soundly. The sound of the cicada can be heard from the outside. The door to Touma's room slides open, a shadowy figure appears, moving closer towards Touma's bed, wearing a mischievous smile on her face. The figure climbs on top of his bed, looming over him and disturbing him enough to awake him. Touma opens his eyes, and to his horror, a girl wearing white robes is on top of him, it is Index. She asks Touma if he has anything to say; though Touma is stricken in fear, he answers her promptly by saying the word "good morning". Predictably, Index is angered by his words and a familiar crunching sound is heard, that is later drowned by his scream. Index is biting him, and with Touma trying to plead her, saying that his injuries are serious and that shouldn't she worry about him, the master of the house. Hearing this, Index stops biting and shouts that she was worried. She hugs him and repeats what she just said, that she was worried, unable to do anything about it, Touma says sorry to her. Index says that Touma is always putting burdens upon himself and tells him that he should consult her or else she might lecture him. Index then asks him what he fought for this time, to which Touma answers that he fought for himself.

The scene later cuts to Mikoto smiling and walking back to her dorm. The dormitory doors open, to which Kuroko greets her oneesama and hugs her, burying her face into Mikoto's chest. The scene changes to Misaka 10032 feeding her cat. The cat consumes the portion that she gave to it, and jumps on her leg, rubbing itself on her. Misaka 10032 brings the cat near her face, to which the cat licks her cheek, surprising her a bit, though in the end this makes her smile.

Rating: 9/10


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