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Toaru no Majutsu no Index S1 Episode 15 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Updated: May 14, 2019

The episode begins with seabirds fluttering in a clear sunny sky. The scene pans down to a beach resort, known as Oowarai, where it seems that no one is around. The scene cuts to Index in her bathing suit playing in the waters, and then seeking the attention of Touma, who is resting under an umbrella. Touma sits up, apparently hearing her call. He begins a voice-over on how he is involuntarily away from Academy City and is in the beach with Index. The scene then cuts to Touma arguing with Komoe in the teacher's lounge in a certain highschool, where Komoe urges Touma to move out of the city for a while due to higher-up's-of-the-city's insistence. Komoe takes out a magazine featuring Oowarai Beach on the cover, the scene then immediately cuts to Index demanding Touma that she'll go with him on the trip and with Touma explaining that she can't go because she has no ID. The scene changes again to the outside of Academy City, where Index is getting her identity checked in the database and apparently getting clearance, surprising Touma as the taxi cab they are in drive out of the city limits.

The scene returns to the present, where Index comes up to Touma (making him blush) who says she found a hat for him and will give it to him as a present, Index then shoves a jellyfish into his face, with the cries of Touma's pain somehow echoing in the empty beach. Touma is later seen applying cream into his face as the result of the stinging of the jellyfish while Index apologizes. The landlady of the resort explains that since there has been outbreak of jellyfish in the waters, there have been no guests in the resort. The landlord later comes in – coughing – and prostrates himself towards Touma and Index; he says that the party that Touma is expecting will arrive tomorrow morning instead of today. Index is visibly annoyed by this, though Touma says it is alright. Touma narrates that he is supposed to meet his parents, Kamijou Touya and Kamijou Shiina as well as his cousin, though he seems restless about it. Touma is later urged by Index to have a bath with her in the hotsprings; seperated by a wall, Index asks Touma what kind of parents Touma has, to which he answers that she should know when they come tomorrow, though this irritates Index. Touma however, is aware of that he will find out who his parents are himself tomorrow, as well as what kind of son he is to them.

The night arrives, with Touma still worrying about his parents finding about his memory loss, though he disregards this and goes to sleep, worrying about it tomorrow instead.

Touma is awoken the next day by the call of the landlord, informing that his party will be arriving soon. Touma gets up and opts to not wake Index up and goes outside of the resort house. Touma later notices a man walking up the road, where the man shouts his name. The man picks up his pace and meets up with Touma face-to-face; he is his father – Touya – and gives Touma a souvenir from his trip to India. Touya notices Touma's strange behaviour and inquires him about it, though Touma quickly changes the subject. Touya informs him that his mother and cousin will be arriving soon as well. They wait atop of the hill for them; Touma muses about how the person before is really his father. Touya then apologizes for arriving late; supposedly, they were to arrive last night, however, since they just recently moved into a new house. Though this confuses Touma (since he lost his memories), his father quickly reminds him that he told him about it last month. Initially, Touma is disheartened by the fact that he will not be able to see the house he was born in, however, he quickly gets over it.

Suddenly, a girl shouting 'onii-chan' is heard, Touma's father says that it must his cousin coming. When she comes closer, much to his horror, his cousin appears to be Misaka Mikoto herself. She jumps on Touma and fondly cuddles him, much to his embarassment. His cousin tells Touma that she wanted to see him badly, and asks him to take her to the beach later; she slowly comes closer to Touma's face until Touma pushes her away. Touma demands from "Mikoto" why she is acting in such a way, though she does not understand, he then asks his father why she brought "Mikoto" here and how he knows her in the first place, though he does not understand as well – calling her Otohime. Suddenly, a girl with the exact appearance of Index arrives wearing a dress and a hat carrying a bag, commenting on Touma's embarassment on his cousin hugging him. Touma demands "Index" why she is acting that way all of a sudden, however, his father stops him and demands Touma to respect his mother, asking why he is talking to his mother in such a manner. The wind blows before Touma can respond; Touma tries to confirm to his father, that the girl before them is his mother, and that the girl who is hugging him is his cousin. Touya confirms that they are indeed his mother and cousin respectedly, and asks Touma once again what's wrong with him. After an awkward silence, Touma laughs it off. Suddenly, Touma shouts at the top of his lungs, decrying on their cruel trickery. Touya tries to calm him down, though it does not work and Touma quickly leaves them behind for the resort.

There, he is shocked to see a woman with the appearance of Misaka Imouto welcoming him, having the mannerisms of the landlady that was present yesterday. Touma, suprised by her involvement, demands to know how long has she been hiding in the resort. Touya who has arrived in the resort along with the rest, says that she shouldn't mind him. Suddenly, a man with the appearance of Stiyl but the mannerisms of the landlord Touma met yesterday comes in and thanks them for staying at the resort. With his appearance, Touma has no words left to speak on how truly unbelievable his appearance in the resort is. Suddenly, familiar white robes lined with gold, slowly comes down the stares; Touma gazes upon the figure that descends upon them, to which his eyes widen and beads of sweat appear on his face, forming a visible expression of dread upon beholding the figure before him. Touma screams in absolute horror as the figure he behelds is that of Aogami Pierce, wearing Index's robes.

The scene changes to the beach, where Otohime (with the appearance of Mikoto) is playing around in the water and asking Touma to join her – who still thinks they are tricking him. Touya later arrives and asks Touma if he has calmed down a bit, and gives him a souvenir he got from his trip to Russia. Shiina (with the appearance of Index) arrives with an exceedingly revealing swimsuit. Touya refers that it was a good idea of him to pick the swimsuit for her, to which Touma grabs his father telling him that he is a failure of a person for being a lolicon. Suddenly, Touma hears a voice humming a tune coming towards their general direction, a feeling of dread flows through Touma. He turns his head and sees someone with the face of Aogami but wearing Index's swimsuit. As a response Touma buries him in the sand and leaves the beach, with the disapproving remarks of Otohime and Shiina bearing on him, to which he disregards. Back at the resort, Touma notices the frog-faced doctor on the television reporting about an incedent regarding the White House, Touma wonders what the doctor is doing, however, he suddenly sees Komoe on the television reporting live at the White House. Touma comes closer to the television, asking to himself what Komoe is doing, however, the scene shifts to Komoe reporting that the president has arrived, to which an absolutely wordless Touma sees Shirai Kuroko as the president.

Touma realies that what's happening is far too ridiculous and elaborate for it to be a trick. Touma goes into town and sees that everybody has their body somehow switched. Suddenly, Otohime comes up to him from behind and pulls out her cellphone, showing a photo of her and Touma from last year's New Year's celebration. Touma sees that Otohime's appearance in the photo is very different from her current appearance (Mikoto's), and is apparently unaware of it herself.

While returning to the resort, Touma ponders to himself what's going on. He notices a girl, wearing a strange red outfit and thinks that she should be his acquaintance, since from his experience, anyone who is wearing crazy costumes are probably his acquaintances. He tries to greet the girl, but is met with a saw to his neck. The girl demands if Touma is 'the spellcaster', though Touma is unable to answer her question; however, a voice pleads with the girl to not attack him. The scene cuts to Motoharu and Kaori. Touma notices Motoharu, where Kaori converses with Motoharu since Touma apparently sees Motoharu as normal. Kaori convices the girl holding the saw to Touma's neck that he should be treated the same as them, as he is unaffected. Kaori introduces herself as a member of Necessarius to the girl, she tells her that she is investigating the same thing as the girl and says it is unreasonable for the girl to conclude that Touma is the 'caster'. The girls moves her saw away from Touma's neck and introduces herself to them, her name is Misha of Annihilatus, she asks a couple of questions to Kaori to prove Touma's innocence. Confused, Touma demands to know what's happening though he is ignored. Kaori tries to answer Misha's questions but is interrupted by Touma's constant demand for answers. Kaori acknowledges him and remarks on how he has not changed. Touma is relieved that she did not know that he lost his memories of her, and is relieved that his playing dumb worked; Touma then asks her to at least tell him what's going on, to which Kaori agrees.

Kaori says that the whole world is affected by a magic spell, called Angel Fall. Kaori states that humans cannot attain the rank of angel, and vice-versa, however, before she can continue in her explanation Touma interrupts her as he is confused. Motoharu states that Touma should also feel the effects of the spell such as the switching of appearances, and states that this is the result of an angel falling. Motoharu says that they don't know who cast the spell or why, though they do know that Touma is in the center of the distortion of the world. Kaori says that Touma is the number one suspect for the Angel Fall incident, as he has escaped the effects of the magic, as such the magicians will target him. Kaori continues by saying that Touma shouldn't be the suspect at all, as he does not possess magical knowledge as well as he does not have any injuries when an esper uses magic. Misha comments on how Touma is unaffacted by the spell as rebuttal to Kaori's statement. Motoharu however, comments that Touma has the Imagine Breaker that can nullify any magic with his right hand. Touma is surprised on how Motoharu knows this, but before he can answer Misha chants a spell. Suddenly, water from the sea is brought forth and is called to attack Touma, to which he immediately dispels with his hand. Misha says that his displaying of his powers is sufficient evidence for him to prove his innocence in the incident; she apologizes for attacking him earlier.

Motoharu then says that the fact that Angel Fall is centered on him, the caster must be near Touma. Kaori says that it is difficult for a single caster to cause Angel Fall, and must have a ritual location for the spell somewhere, to which Motoharu states that they should destroy the ritual location or kill the spellcaster, as they are two ways to stop Angel Fall. However, Touma interrupts their conversation and demands answers from Motoharu, to which he answers that he is also a member of Necessarius.

Rating: 8/10


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