Index realizes that Sheol Fear would no longer work with Lucia's forces now that they have pierced their eardrums, and is left open for an attack. Alarmed by the sudden turn of events, Stiyl and Saiji rush to cover Index, who was close to being cornered. Fortunately, Touma and Orsola has arrived and they offer them a viable exit from the onslaught outside.

With the nuns cleaving their way through the wooden doors, Touma checks up on Orsola's condition; Orsola remarks that Touma worries too much and she is fine nonetheless. Index feels hopeless now that her best weapon against multiple opponents has been rendered useless, while Saiji is left alone while the rest of Amakusa are fighting.
However, Orsola proposes a suggestion: to use The Book of the Law. Stiyl agrees that threatening to open the seals of The Book of the Law would be useful in negotiation in their favor; however, Saiji presents the fact that The Book of the Law is never a variable, as it was used merely as a ruse for everyone. Index soon realizes that they do have The Book of the Law among the thousands of grimoires inside her head, although she is not able to decipher it, and Touma deducts that Index being able to attempt to decipher The Book of the Law means that not having that book is an impossibility.
Stiyl strongly refuses against the suggestion; with Index memorizing the deciphered text of The Book of the Law, more magicians would see her as a target. He then approaches Touma and makes him take responsibility of what happens to Index.
With everyone agreeing to Orsola's suggestion, Orsola decides to explain how they will attempt to decipher The Book of the Law. According to her, she will use Temurah, or letter replacement method, with considerations to line numbers. Index announces that she can understand it... and declares that it was a fake method to decipher The Book of the Law.
Index explains that The Book of the Law is a frightening text because of the numerous ways on how to decipher it, with each method producing a dummy result. Saiji considers Index and Orsola saved, but Stiyl reminds him that they have seen the dark side of their enemy for them to hold back. Soon, they are faced with the same dilemma they ran from a few moments ago; the nuns who have abandoned their self-preservation.
Meanwhile. Touma arrives where Agnese is, and the leader of 250 nuns teases him on his decision to leave his allies to complete a certain plan. Agnese reminds him of what Orsola has told her before, and his current position as bait. Touma tells her that he believes in them, and he is bent on defeating her alone; this infuriates Agnese, and unraveling the wings of the Lotus Wand on her hands, she unleashes an unseen attack at Touma.
Touma receives a few attacks from the Lotus Wand's magic, and at first is unable to determine how her magic works. Agnese simply tells him that it links a target with the surroundings, enabling her to attack from a distance. Touma takes a massive beating from Agnese after a few attacks, and finds himself with gashes on his back, a broken shoulder and bruises on his body.
Touma remembers the speech Agnese gave to them regarding people who abuse the power of Christianity and bitterly realizes that the same person is also doing the same wrong act. Agnese laughs at his remark and wonders if he is angry to be hit by something which is designed for its purpose. (Agnese's staff is a crosier, and is patterned after the war hammer, which is used to pierce through enemy armor.) She also explains that modern Western magic is, by nature, inherent in Christianity, and teachings not part of Christianity are not teachings at all.
Agnese continues on her assault, and Touma decides to rush towards his enemy. Agnese attacks on the area in front of Touma, and he narrowly evades it before letting his Imagine Breaker touch the barrier created by the Lotus Wand. The fight becomes constrained to a tight space, and despite Agnese managing to hit Touma, she still receives a strong right hook and is knocked away by his punch.
For a few moments, Agnese remembers her tragic life in the past and gathers strength to stand up because of it, rejecting the possibility of going back to what she was before. There, Agnese notices that it has gotten quiet outside the room where they are. Agnese gloats that his plan has failed and is now alone in his fight.
However, Agnese appears to have made the wrong assumption.
Behind Touma, an inferno broke, and the Amakusa, Stiyl, Index and Orsola appear behind him, with a towering Innocentius standing behind Touma's companions. Stiyl announced that he has placed 4,300 rune cardsaround the Church of Orsola with the help of Amakusa, forming a large magic circle occupying the entire space of the church. Touma then tells Agnese that everything has been according to plan. Agnese is still confident that her nuns will defeat them, but she notices that all of the remaining nuns in her forces have frozen in their tracks. She remembers what Orsola told her, that "they {Touma and the others} act through believing", and finds herself helpless for the first time since the assault. Touma declares that it is all over for Agnese, and as Stiyl throws away his cigarette, Touma rushes to Agnese, and with a powerful punch, knocks her unconscious; at the same time, all the nuns under her command drop their weapons. After that ordeal, Touma's body becomes unbearable, and he faints from the injuries he had.

Touma wakes up at a hospital room, where he is accompanied by Kanzaki Kaori. She prepared a letter beforehand, but she decides to snatch it back before he could read it. Kaori tells him that she is there to report on what happened to Orsola, and after hearing his interest to hear about it, proceeds.
Orsola and the Amakusa are currently being integrated into the Anglican Church, which acts as a preventive measure against any vendetta from the Roman Catholics. The announcement of Orsola's mistranslation of The Book of the Law also has dispelled Touma's worries of having her targeted by many magical organizations.
Kaori apologizes for whatever has happened to him, much to Touma's surprise, and before she could explain further, Tsuchimikado Motoharu barges in, bringing him food presents. He then notices Kaori and teases her about repaying for the trouble Touma has encountered, much to Kaori's embarrassment. After having told by Kaori to leave, Motoharu walks out and decides to leave them alone for a while. Touma wonders if what Motoharu told Kaori about repaying for what happened is true, and Kaori did not deny it, as it was the only way to give back after solving the problem with the Amakusa. He then tells her that it is alright, since their problem is now resolved. Kaori is surprised with the use of "our" in his remark, and Touma explains that he is not siding with them because they belong to some organization. In fact, it is the opposite; he is siding with the organization because his friends belong to them. He even considers helping Agnese, although she ended up being the bad guy in the situation.
Meanwhile, at the rainy streets of London, Stiyl discusses with Laura Stuart about the conclusion of what happened involving Agnese Sanctis.
According to Stiyl, the Roman Catholic Church closes the case with Agnese Sanctis's forces to be a military faction gone amok and states that there has been no intents by the Church to assassinate Orsola. Stiyl then notices that Laura has known about the intentions of the Roman Catholic Church but did not directly order him to save Orsola. Laura admits that she does not know that Orsola's cipher is wrong, but does not mind it anyway.

She then asks Stiyl a what-if scenario: what happens if Orsola was not saved at that time? Laura says that nothing would change, and even if she was executed, The Book of the Law will stay undeciphered. Stiyl then asks the purpose for the cross that she gave him earlier and assumes that she is intent on saving Orsola anyway. Laura rejects Stiyl's assumption and tells him that she did what she thinks is beneficial for the Anglican Church. She actually plans on forcing Kanzaki Kaori, a powerful asset with the tendency to act based on her own will and not on orders, to stay loyal to the organization by promising to defend her loved ones, the Amakusa.
As Laura disappears into the crowd. Stiyl stops and bitterly remarks, "That bitch."
Rating: 8/10