September 14th.
Touma and Index stay at the boarding house, with Touma preparing some food. Index asks Touma about how people can predict weather and wonders if it has any similarities with fortune-telling. She then questions him about how the forecaster always reminds the viewers of imminent errors in the forecast; Touma is puzzled as well, as he had ideas that the forecasting system of Academy City is flawless and accurate.

Meanwhile, outside the Earth's atmosphere, a space shuttle retrieves the remains of a certain satellite, referring to them as "Remnant".
Inside the shower rooms of Tokiwadai's dormitory complex, Misaka Mikoto complains about the school's decision to hold schoolwide P.E. lessons due to Daihasei Festival fast approaching. Kuroko tells her that it is inevitable, given their second-place standings at the said event. The Teleporter then takes the chance to ask Mikoto on a date with some hidden thoughts of showing an innocent facade that Mikoto can't resist. Kuroko then teleports on the shower stall where Mikoto is and receives a hit from her.
Mikoto eventually agrees to take Kuroko for shopping, and soon, the Level 5 Electromaster sees news about a space shuttle launched into space on one of Academy City's blimps. Kuroko leaves from her lingerie shopping and notices the news, adding that many European countries have done the same thing.
The Teleporter then persuades her to accompany her inside and after opting for dragging her inside, notices that Mikoto is interested in increasing her breast size using pads. Kuroko nervously thinks that Mikoto might be improving her figure for a man, especially the guy she collided with on the 31st of August, and notices the blush on Mikoto's face when she talked about it. Mikoto tries to keep "that guy" away from the discussion, but Kuroko is too anxious to refute her assumptions.
Soon, their conversation is interrupted when Kuroko's phone rings. It turns out that Uiharu wants Kuroko to investigate on a robbery on District 23, which is focused on aerospace technology. With that, Kuroko and Mikoto separate ways and Kuroko goes to Judgment headquarters.
Uiharu Kazari, the remaining member of Judgment present at that time, welcomes Kuroko and invites her for some tea, which Kuroko refuses, much to Kazari's disappointment. Kuroko then asks Uiharu to give her the details of the incident.
With the footage from District 23's hidden cameras, the two Judgment operatives witness two cars cornering another and taking a briefcase with the emblem of the 23rd District with them. Kuroko sees the victims as suspicious as she saw them communicating through a transceiver. Kazari also tells Kuroko that the briefcase stolen is made such that it blocks cosmic rays and is completely airtight. Kuroko thinks that the briefcase might be taken out into space, but Uiharu thinks that it is the opposite.

Kuroko decides to track down the escaping thieves, while Uiharu assists her in tracking them down. Soon, she arrives in an alley where the thieves head off to, and quickly disabled them after retrieving the suitcase.
Soon, Kuroko receives a call from Mikoto, who asks her a favor: to hide her personal stuff from a room inspection she heard from an upperclassman. Mikoto also asks the Teleporter to come home early, as it was going to rain that night up to tomorrow.
After Mikoto ends the call, Kuroko suddenly feels that the suitcase she was sitting on disappears, and a corkscrew stabs through her shoulder out of nowhere. Soon, a girl with two ponytails appear at a distance: another Teleporter. The girl introduces herself as the girl with the ability Move Point, a "superior" form of teleportation which does not require physical contact.
Kuroko confronts the other Teleporter, who effortlessly returns one of the metal pins she teleported into her side. Soon, the user of Move Point tells her that she is partially responsible for what is going on, including the news Mikoto heard of a sudden room inspection. She also discloses the fact that Tree Diagram has been destroyed, and due to this, the experiment involving Misaka Mikoto is suspended until Tree Diagram is rebuilt.
The user of Move Point reminds her of August 21, and Kuroko takes the chance to fight back at her.
Meanwhile, Accelerator and Last Order are taking a bath together. Last Order is enjoying herself making waves at the bathtub while Accelerator quietly takes his bath alone. However, is it impossible to take a bath decently with Last Order around; Accelerator receives splash after splash of water on his face as Last Order pities him for not being able to use his ability at this moment.
Yomikawa Aiho is outside, watching over the two and cursing Yoshikawa Kikyou for dragging her into Accelerator and Last Order's guardianship.
That night, in the restroom of her dormitory room, Kuroko tends to her wounds while requesting Uiharu to get more information about the Teleporter she encountered. Uiharu reports that Kuroko just fought against Musujime Awaki, Level 4 Teleporter and 2nd year student at Kirigaoka Girls' Academy. She also confirms Kuroko's observation that Awaki does not need physical contact to teleport objects. Uiharu also adds that Awaki is unable to interfere with other Teleporters, and she is noted for having a fear of teleporting herself.
She also tells Kuroko that Awaki is one of the Guides for the windowless building, much to Kuroko's shock, because she knew that the windowless building is merely an urban legend.
Uiharu soon reports that the carriers earlier were to transport the suitcase carrying a Remnant into another institution from District 23 before being intercepted by Awaki's group.
Kazari suggests to leave this issue in the hands of the Anti-Skill, but Kuroko is forced to hang up when she sees the door leading inside open. As it turns out, Mikoto has just arrived, and is checking up on her. Kuroko tries to talk Mikoto out of entering the bathroom and seeing her injuries, which worked after all, and leaves the bathroom after Mikoto heads off to personal matters.
Kuroko thinks about August 21, and what happened on that date: there has been a presence of violent winds that night, and a railyard on District 17 has been destroyed. She also remembers being requested to assist on the aftermath of the incident the day after, and her discovery of a coin which Misaka Mikoto usually uses.
Kuroko leaves the dormitory and opens a line with Uiharu; she contacts her about Musujime Awaki's involvement with an outside organization and requests a simulation of her eascape route. She has decided that she has to do something to end the nightmare that Mikoto has been hiding to her for a long time.
Soon, she hears an explosion from a distance. Kuroko sees in the middle of the wreckage her roommate and friend Misaka Mikoto fending off a group of men using her Railgun. As Kuroko closes in on the construction site where the fight is starting, Mikoto speaks to Musujime Awaki, who has the suitcase in her custody.
Awaki tells Mikoto to give up saving the ones involved in the experiment (the SISTERS) and accept the fact that they are intended to be destroyed. However, Mikoto remains adamant and admits that she has to put the responsibility to herself for what is going on.

Mikoto prepares to fire her electricity at Awaki, but the Teleporter confidently asks that she can escape her wrath unharmed. Awaki then prepares a human shield made up of civilians to make Mikoto hesitate attacking before escaping herself. Meanwhile, Kuroko realizes that it is now her turn to go into the deepest part of the battlefield.
Meanwhile, in a certain hospital room, a girl who looks exactly like Misaka Mikoto wakes up and, as her clothes fall to the ground, realizes that she is running out of time and she needs to make haste.
Rating: 8.5/10