The whole story at volume was pretty awesome, there some chapters in the novel that are weaker then the other chapters, but overal the volume was still very good. Like the beginning how they got trap in the game and how the characters in the series fears for their own death if they dies in the game.
Kayaba Akihiko wasn't really a villain in the series, but kind of wanting to make his dream of fighting in castle dream come true and did it but at the same time wanted to have fun and enjoy the trill of the game if death was included in the game.
Kirito wanting to clear the game seen the beginning, he bonded with many people within the game as we have seen that his friends cares very much for him, not hopes that they can all get out of this game. Kirito has a in-game girlfriend or should I said wife that he cares very much and his wife Asuna cares very much about him too, Kirito was at his near death encounter when one red player got into the strongest guild in the whole of SAO.
Asuna saves Kirito just in time, they took time off from their guild together and spend sometime together in a house on Floor 22, and they go on to do some quest.
Agil and Klein were also very close to Kirito was they are one the few players that fought boss raids together, and it was hinted that they bonded over time.
They were called back by their guild leader Heathcliff who was actually Kayaba, tells them about Floor 75's boss raid plan, soon that boss raid became fighting Heathcliff as Kirito realize that Heathcliff was cheating leading to know his idenity was Kayaba, Kabaya tells Kirito that if he idenity was not expose he will help the players up till a later point close to Floor 100 before telling the players that he was the last boss. Kirito fought Kayaba and won, the castle got destory and everyone in the game gets to return home. Or was it was how it end letting the readers know that there was another arc coming after this, but that did not happened till Volume 3.
Rating: 8/10
Sword Art Online Volume 2

In this volume it contains four short story, one about Silica, one about Lisbeth, one about Yui, and the last story about Kirito's dead guild mates.
Silica's story about her dead partner, she gotten help from Kirito. The two goes looking for item to make Pina to live. They encounter red players, Kirito fought them off, and the readers learns that there is a way for red players to become normal players again, Kirito defeats the red players and got item that is need to help Silica get her partner Pina back. After Pina come back to live, Silica thanks Kirito.
Lisbeth's story her meeting her best friend's love interest who happens to be Kirito and her friend was of course Asuna, it weapon that she made broke by Kirito, and she got pissed at him. The two goes on to look for a rare item to uogarde the weapon, they goes on to defeat a dragon but theyloss to it at first and they spent the night in the cave, after they defeated the dragon together and Lisbeth tells Kirito that she like him, Krito did not heard what she said.
Yui's story took place when Kirito and Asuna got marry not long and that they spending the days together enjoying themselves and they met Yui, after they go on to help her out and they learn that she was AI and she disappears at the end of the story.
Kirito were very emotion and once he heard that there is an item to bring back your dead friends in game, of course that was not true and Kirito still go and seek the item out, he felt guilty as this dead guild mates are dead because he hid the fact that his Level is way higher then any of his guild mates, and one of the guild mate trigger a trap without knowing. Kirito tried he best to save his guild mates but failed to do so, he was the only person that escaped somehow and their guild leader learns about this and dies himself, Kirito can't seem to forgive himself for what has happen.
All the story in the volume expands each character's backstory, and make he readers understand more about each characters that was in the volume 1.
Rating: 8.5/10