During a training one day, the two same noble made funny of Kirito and Eugeo and asked to fight against them, and ultimately Humbert and Raios loses to them so they plotted to get back at them, one day the same noble started picking on Royne and Tiese as their parents were ranked much lower then them as noble and was a higher ranking noble a lower noble can said no to a higher ranker noble. Eugeo sees what Humbert and Raios was doing to Royne and Tiese so Eugeo attacked the two, Kirito arrived and the sides foought each other, and Raiso dies at the end of the fight. During the fight, Eugeo's right eye has some kind of message appearing on it. Kirito and Eugeo got locked up afterwards. Royne and Tiese goes see them one last time and say their goodbye to them. Soon, Alice appears before Kirito and Eugeo. Alice has no recollection of her past did not react to them.
Meanwhile back in the real world, Higa Takeru explain Project Alicization in details to Asuna along side Rinko who was there to explain.
Back in Underworld, Kirito and Eugeo both got taken to the Axiom Church's Central Cathedral. Once there, the two tried to escape the place with the help of a girl called Cardinal. She then tells Kirito the details of underworld to them and what is up all the rules.
Rating: 9/10