Kirito and Eugeo fought each other, as it pains Kirito to fight him. Eugeo won the fought and bind the two of them, he goes to Chudelkin, they were brought to Quinella. Quinella tells Eugeo some stuff and it cuased him to be paralyze. Eugeo tries to break free, using Cardinal's dagger given to him earlier tries to attack Quinella with it but to no vein. Chudelkin tells Quinella that it was Eugeo's fault for not killing Kirito and Alice. Chudelkin ran towards Administrator and blamed Eugeo for not killing or at least weakening Kirito and Alice more. Eugeo, managing to walk around, then stood beside Kirito and Alice. Administrator told Chudelkin to attack them and he flipped his body and used his head as support, while his hands and feet remained in the air. He then proceeded to summon 10 cryogenic elements and threw 5 of them at the trio in the form of icicles, but Alice intercepted them. Then he launched the last five after transforming them into a huge ice cube, but once again Alice stopped the attack by using her Fragrant Olive Sword's Armament Full Control Art.
Administrator ordered Chudelkin to freeze Kirito, Eugeo, and Alice using his Sacred Arts while keeping them alive, and Kirito noted that the room they were in was rather large and intricate; the walls were made of untainted glass while a canopy embedded with crystals was supported by pillars covered with decorative swords. Chudelkin generated twenty cryogenic elements on his hands and feet and attacked, but was stopped by Alice's Armament Full Control art. Administrator scolded Chudelkin for his incompetence, but he made a request: should he defeat the trio, he wished to get one night to do as he wished with her. Administrator dishonestly agreed to this deal, giving Chudelkin a burst of motivation. He generated twenty-two thermal elements and released them to create a five-meter tall flaming demon that resembled himself. Alice told Kirito and Eugeo that she would only be able to distract the flaming clown for about ten seconds and that they had to win in that time. Kirito decided that the only way to fight him was to use his sword techniques, amplified by Incarnation.
Meanwhile, Eugeo was immersed in thoughts about his own powerlessness. His desire to save Alice Zuberg was the reason for Kirito, Knight Alice, Cardinal, Charlotte, and his fight against Administrator yet he believed himself to have been more a hindrance than of any help. After resolving himself to stop Administrator with his Blue Rose Sword, which was half ice and could break through Administrator's metal-protection barrier, Eugeo began searching for a way to fight. As he continued pondering, he suddenly recalled the scene of him fusing with his sword. Deciding on his course of action, Eugeo pondered what could he use to power the same release recollection art that fueled the sword golem. At that instant, he felt his name being called, looked up at the ceiling, where he noticed Alice Zuberg's memory fragment, and finally understood the mission entrusted to him.
A young Eugeo and Alice Zuberg stood in a dark corridor, holding hands. They decided to leave the future of the Underworld to Kirito and Knight Alice, and walked towards a white light at the end of the corridor. Two Fluctlights, those belonging to Eugeo and Alice Zuberg, were then permanently deallocated from their Light Cubes.
After Eugeo's body and Alice's memory fragment had disappeared, Kirito carried Alice to the system console that Administrator had used. After searching through the options, which were mainly in English, Kirito used the terminal's External Observer Call operation to call Rath. Hearing the sounds of gunfire and yelling, Kirito guessed that the Ocean Turtle was under some sort of attack. Once Higa Takeru noticed Kirito's call, he informed Lieutenant Colonel Kikuoka Seijirou, who then told Kirito to find a girl named Alice and to take her to the «World End Altar» located directly south after exiting the Great Eastern Gate. Takeru then warned Seijirou that the Ocean Turtle was in danger of losing power, which would result in damaging Kirito's Fluctlight, as the safeties on the Soul Translator were disabled. The Lieutenant Colonel stated that he would initiate a lockdown and told Takeru to get Koujiro Rinko and Asuna to safety. Just as Kirito became aware of Asuna's presence on the Ocean Turtle, the power was cut, resulting in his Fluctlight being heavily damaged. A nostalgic voice called out to Kirito, one with a ring so dear it made him want to cry, but he was no longer able to remember who the voice belonged to.
Rating: 9/10