Back in the real world, it was the fourth BoB Sinon and Subtilizer were the only two players remainding in the tournament. Sinon got defeated by Subtilizer in the tournament. Subtilizer logs out of GGO at this point, his real life self was Gabriel Miller, and he has an objective. That objective has something to do the underworld. After learning more about his backstory, the readers would know that this person is sick to core. Soon, he set out for Japan to where the Ocean Turtle is.
Meanwhile back in unerworld, sometime has past and Kirito become unable to move and wasn't able to do anything at all. There was also an invasion from the Dark Territory as there had been more activity recently. At this time Alice takes Kirito back to their hometown, and they stay there to have their quite life, Alice would go on to do some jobs in order to get money.
Back in real world, the Ocean Turtle was under attacked by Miller's forces. Takeru and Kikuoka was looking for a way to stop Miller. But they were unable to do so, and that Kirito's life maybe in danger Asuna tells them that she would like to enter underworld to save Kirito. At the same time, Miller enter the underworld too along with some of his group of people, the account that they had taken was Dark Territory creatures. Takeru states that he feels was through he has forgotten something very important which was this, and did not tell Asuna about it before she logs in to the Underworld.
Back in Underworld, in the Dark Territory area various creatures prepare themselves to attack the human world, they have some inside issues and Miller's appearance only add more issues to Alice and her gorup of knights. Later, Alice decides to join the knights in the battle against the Dark Territory.
Rating: 9/10